About Us

Who We Are

Global Risq Consulting is a boutique management consulting firm with offices in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area and West Africa operations (headquarters in Conakry, Guinea).

Our professionals are comprised of individuals who have deep industry experience and our professionals have prior large public accountancy firm, management consulting experience, or deep industry experience.

Our operating philosophy is to hire professionals and subject matter experts (SMEs) who possess a minimum of ten years of professional experience. We supplement and complement our core project teams with mid-career professionals who are technologically savvy and highly knowledgeable and capable management consultants.

Our Vision

“Provide flexible and tailored solutions to business challenges facing an ever changing environment”.

Our Value

Values that identify and characterize us are:

  • Objectivity
  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Competency

Our Global Approach

  • CAPACITY BUILDING: In our way of working, we favor the participatory method. Our goal is to provide our customers with services tailored to their needs and at the same time strengthen the management capacity of their staff by involving them strongly at different levels of development of our work.
  • OVERSIGHT: Our engagements are subject to proper oversight to ensure that the objectives are achieved, quality is as­sured and professional development of staff made.
  • COMMUNICATION: The communication on the progress and results of our engagements varies in form and content de­pending on the nature of the engagement and needs of the ordering customer.
  • UNIQUENESS OF ENGAGEMENTS: For us, all engagements are unique and special. For this purpose, specific methodologi­cal approaches are developed, tested and monitored during each engagement.
  • ASSESSMENT: The opportunity is given to the client after each mission to assess the results through a scoring grid.
2BUSD Profit
meet our team

Talents Behind Our Success

Our team consists of highly experienced and talented young people motivated and eager to demonstrate an unmatched professionalism. Continuous training of our team places our firm in a logic of continuous improvement of our expertise, our efficiency and the quality of our services.

Philip Wilson

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Amanda Richards

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Marry Hoe
Customer Relations

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We supplement and complement our core project teams with mid-career professionals who are technologically savvy and highly knowledgeable and capable management consultants. Want to know how we can help?

Capacity Building
Information Technologies
Strategic Risk Advisory Solutions

Our risk advisory solutions are designed to address specific customer needs while providing value.

Internal Audit Solutions

Our comprehensive suite of internal audit solutions includes the traditional audit responsibilities and new responsibilities by the 21st century business environment.

Information Technology Solutions

Our capabilities include the design and implementation of Strategic IT services, IT Operations, IT compliance, and Enterprise Resource Planning solutions.

Financial Management Solutions

Our full-service training solutions encompass the domains of Governance, Risk & Compliance, Financial Management, International Aid Development, and more.

Our Clients

We have had the opportunity and privilege to consult and train for a large number of organizations.


What They Are Saying